Los animales son realmente increíbles. Debido a que existen millones de especies diferentes en el planeta, nos tomaría vidas enteras comprender del todo la complejidad del reino animal. Además, los animales nos proporcionan muchas cosas, como compañía, protección o una razón para salir todas las mañanas a tomar aire fresco y dar una caminata. Aparte del cariño que tenemos la suerte de recibir de nuestros amigos peludos (o, a veces, escamosos o plumosos), también pueden llegar a entretenernos mucho. No importa qué tan listo sea un animal: siempre será capaz de hacer cosas ridículas sin darse cuenta de lo tonto que se ve.

Para celebrar todos los adorables comportamientos raros de los animales, se creó la página de Instagram “Not My Animal” (o “Ese no es mi animal”). Con más de 200 mil seguidores en la actualidad, esta cuenta nos da un suministro aparentemente interminable de graciosas imágenes de animales que fueron fotografiados en el momento justo. Hemos recopilado algunos de los mejores ejemplos de estas divertidas y confusas fotos y esperamos que las disfruten tanto como nosotros lo hemos hecho.



'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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No es ningún secreto que muchas personas sienten afinidad por los animales. ¿Cómo podríamos resistirnos a un cachorro peludo y cariñoso que nos pide, con sus grandes y redondos ojos, que lo recojamos? ¿O a un gatito pequeño y curioso que quiere jugar con los hilos que cuelgan de nuestros vaqueros? Nuestro amor por los animales se remonta mucho antes de que pudiéramos crear cuentas en Instagram para nuestras queridas mascotas. De hecho: “Existe evidencia arqueológica [de que] los perros fueron los primeros animales domesticados por el hombre, hace más de 30.000 años”, menciona Boehringer Ingelheim. El mejor amigo del hombre fue domesticado más de 10.000 años antes que los caballos, las ovejas y las vacas. Incluso en esos tiempos, había una conexión emocional lo suficientemente fuerte con las mascotas como para que los humanos los honraran en la vida y en la muerte.


    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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    'Not My Animal': 40 Animal Pics That Just Don't Make Any Sense, As Shared On This Instagram Account

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