Preparáos para alegraros la vista con la flor y nata de los diseños feos, que son tan horribles que son buenos. O casi. El instagram Ugly design tiene más de 572000 seguidores esperando sus nuevas publicaciones, seleccionada por sus creadores suizos, Jonas Nyffenegger y Sébastien Mathys.

Aquí hemos recopilado algunos de los diseños más feos que verás esta semana (o este mes, con suerte), así que echa una ojeada, vota por tus favoritos y cuéntanos cuál te ha impresionado más.

Los fundadores de la cuenta dicen que creen haber obtenido tanto éxito estos años por el contraste entre sus imágenes y todas esas fotos de Instagram que aparentan ser "perfectas".

Más información en: Instagram | Tumblr | Ugly.Design



'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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"Cuando ves un diseño feo en vez de una estética perfecta (según el siglo XXI), la audiencia se da cuenta. Ugly Design nunca es predecible, esa es la clave para mantener y aumentar los seguidores, en nuestra opinión."

"Nos parece una locura que este tema aún nos sorprenda y nos haga reír tanto después de haberlo explotado durante tanto tiempo. Publicamos distintos tópicos bajo la temática del diseño feo, desde maximalismo a fallos de diseño, muebles lujosos, joyería, moda, manicura, arquitectura...y exceptuando algunos que son claramente fallos, nos parece una fuente increíble de inspiración y alegría."


'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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Sebastien dice ser "googleador profesional", trabaja en un pequeño estudio gráfico y en un taller de impresión. Jonas estudia diseño industrial en Suiza y le gusta "escarbar en la basura", trabajando como diseñador en una compañía de mobiliario en Estocolmo.

"Lloraría si ya no hubiera diseñadores de cosas feas, si todo lo que nos rodea, todos los objetos parecieran iguales."


'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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hellrico avatar
Marina Rico Leyva
Miembro de la comunidad
Hace 3 años DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Es lo más horroroso que he visto en mucho tiempo, pero si ella es feliz y le gusta... nada que decir


'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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Ugly Design comenzó en 2013, cuando Sebastien y Jonas se conocieron estudiando diseño en Suiza. Fueron juntos a una feria de mobiliario en Milán donde vieron una bañera reimaginada como sofá, y comenzaron a competir a ver quién encontraba el diseño más feo.

Tras pasar un año en Tumblr, Ugly Design saltó a instagram en 2015, donde se volvió popular y triunfadora.


'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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"Queremos mostrar una estética alternativa, algo distinto a todos esos instagrams de diseño que publican casi siempre lo mismo. Cuanto más feo, mejor."

"Al principio considerábamos la fealdad en el diseño un fenómenos negativo, e intentábamos resaltar diseños que nos enseñaron a pensar que eran malos. Con el tiempo empezamos a ver matices en esta estética fea y ya no consideramos lo feo como negativo o peyorativo."


'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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'Ugly Design' Instagram Is Full Of Things To Make You Laugh And Cringe And Here's 35 Of The Best Pics From It

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