Pregúntenle a cualquier ávido comprador en mercados en línea o al aire libre y con gusto les contará sobre los tesoros que ha encontrado a una fracción de su precio minorista. Dado que las personas buscan maneras de consumir de forma más sustentable y económica, no es de sorprender que los mercados estén pasando por una especie de renacimiento.

El mercado de Facebook es uno de estos sitios populares. Podemos acceder a los artículos desde la comodidad de nuestros hogares y por medio de un solo mensaje al vendedor. Pero la verdad es que este tipo de sitios de compras se vuelven raros cuando, en ocasiones, hallamos algo ridículo, extraño o gracioso que ha sido puesto a la venta.

Afortunadamente, existe un sitio que agrupa a todos aquellos que se han visto frustrados con este tipo de ventas. Este grupo de Facebook llamado “That’s it, I’m FB marketplace shaming” (o “Eso es todo, me burlaré de este artículo del Marketplace de Facebook”) alberga más de 81 mil miembros que llegaron para reírse, para descargarse o para entretenerse un poco. A continuación, recopilamos algunos de los ejemplos más graciosos, así que ¡disfrútenlos!



50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Nancy Witt McDonald Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Phoebe Nagle Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Samantha Frye Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Haley Embleton Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Jessi Sansom Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Marielle BV Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Group member Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Shelby Alexander Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Lisa Čmelik Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Krystal Johnson Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Ashley Campbell Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Katie McNeil Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Elexis Keele Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Hannah Crockett Reportar

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También en Bored Panda

50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Neve Lamb Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Group member Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Rebecca Jennings Reportar

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50 Times People Had Enough Of The Weird Things Getting Sold On Marketplace, Said “That's It, I'm FB Marketplace Shaming” And Shared It On This Group

Jasmine Versluis Reportar

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