La pandemia nos ha enseñado muchas cosas, algunas de las cuales nunca pedimos en primer lugar. Pero mientras las cuarentenas, los confinamientos y las incertidumbres globales cambiaban nuestra forma de vida hasta hacerla irreconocible, también nos dimos cuenta de una cosa muy antigua: los perros son el mejor amigo del hombre (de ahí el auge de la adopción canina) y los repartidores también.

De hecho, los repartidores se han convertido en algo así como el último contacto que hemos tenido con la llamada "normalidad". Gracias a ellos, hemos podido seguir disfrutando de nuestras comidas favoritas, beber nuestras bebidas preferidas, vestirnos bien, darnos un capricho con artilugios, cosméticos, artículos para el hogar, lo que sea.

Así que este post combina dos de nuestras cosas favoritas, mostrando a un montón de simpáticos perritos que los conductores de UPS han conocido en sus rutas. Disfruta de esta maravilla y asegúrate de ver nuestros anteriores posts con perros de UPS increíblemente bonitos aquí, aquí y aquí.

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Por muy simpático que resulte el combo de un repartidor y un perrito feliz, no podemos omitir por completo el hecho de que algunos perros no se emocionan en absoluto al ver a los extraños que llegan a su casa. Los sonidos extraños, los olores desconocidos y la cara que no han visto antes pueden desencadenar una reacción adversa, si no algo peor, un comportamiento agresivo.

Así que nos pusimos en contacto con la Dra. Sally J Foote, médico veterinaria y conductista de animales que lleva a cabo laboratorios de atención veterinaria de bajo estrés, formación del personal en la clínica, seminarios para propietarios de mascotas, conferencias y escritos para promover la atención veterinaria positiva de "Foote & Friends".

La Dra. Sally explicó que "los perros que no han tenido la experiencia de ver camiones de reparto o personas antes de los 4 meses de edad suelen ser recelosos o temerosos del repartidor, del vehículo y de los ruidos implicados". Añadió que lanzar golosinas al perro por todos los aspectos de la entrega, empezando a una edad temprana, ayudará.


Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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La Dra. Sally también explicó que "los niveles de agresividad varían en función de todo lo que le ocurra al perro durante la experiencia del parto, la edad y el temperamento del perro". Los perros también tienden a verse influenciados por el comportamiento de sus compañeros en una situación concreta. "Si un perro tiene un perro compañero que ladra, salta y agrede, condicionará el comportamiento del otro perro. Si el perro no puede alejarse del repartidor (suelto en un patio, o en la puerta de casa) mostrará agresividad para mantenerlo alejado", explica el conductista de animales.

Además, determinadas razas pueden ser más propensas a la agitación hacia los repartidores que otras. La Dra. Sally dijo que las razas seleccionadas por sus rasgos de pastores o guardianes necesitan mucho adiestramiento adicional para disminuir la agitación en la entrega.


Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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Turns Out, UPS Drivers Have A Facebook Group About Dogs They Meet On Their Routes, And It Will Make Your Day (30 New Pics)

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