A lo largo de nuestra vida, nos encontramos con una serie de oportunidades que no garantizan necesariamente una gran recompensa económica, pero que pueden llevarnos por el camino hacia un futuro más feliz.

Como el trabajo de la madera.

Muchas personas que tienen aserrín en el pelo reconocen inmediatamente sus beneficios y nunca se lo quitan. Les permite despejar la mente y relajarse, sustituir los malos hábitos y, como Bored Panda le ha mostrado en nuestras anteriores publicaciones aquí y aquí, crear algo artístico y duradero.

Así que, en un intento de arrojar más luz sobre esta gran afición, hemos decidido mostrarte la página de Facebook 'Crazy Woodworking Projects' y el grupo que supervisa 'Crazy Woodworking Forum'. ¡Sigue desplazándote para ver algunos de los mejores diseños que han presentado!



50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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La carpintería puede parecer desalentadora porque, como señaló el entusiasta del bricolaje Jean Levasseur en Popular Science, a veces parece que se trata tanto de coleccionar herramientas como de crear algo bello y funcional. 

Pero las "herramientas" no son sólo costosas sierras de mesa y lujosas recortadoras. De hecho, según Levasseur, muchos artículos domésticos cotidianos pueden facilitar, limpiar o agilizar los proyectos de carpintería, y no hay nada más satisfactorio que descubrir cómo resolver un problema con soluciones totalmente inesperadas.


50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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También puedes aprovechar los utensilios de silicona para hornear. Son perfectos para extender el pegamento porque nada se pega a ellos. La limpieza es fácil y rápida: el pegamento se limpia directamente con una toalla de papel. Si el pegamento se ha secado, flexiona la espátula hacia delante y hacia atrás unas cuantas veces y el adhesivo pegado se agrieta y se desprende.  

Levasseur, por ejemplo, tiene a mano varios tamaños para pegar diferentes anchos de madera. Llegan a los recovecos de los proyectos y extienden el pegamento de forma suave y uniforme. Solo hay que asegurarse de que no encuentren el camino de vuelta a la cocina.

(Las identificaciones y las tarjetas de crédito viejas también son estupendos para extender el epoxi y la masilla para madera, así que no sientas la necesidad de comprar un juego de espátulas nuevo solo para untarlas de pegamento).


50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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Lo más probable es que tengas recuerdos de innumerables latas de café y botes de mantequilla de cacahuate que contienen tuercas, pernos, tornillos, clavos y una mezcla variada de otros artículos de ferretería en el taller de tu abuelo. Esta es, por supuesto, una excelente manera de reutilizar los contenedores, y muchos de ustedes probablemente ya lo saben.

Pero lo que quizá no sea tan conocido es que los frascos de mostaza y ketchup son excelentes frascos de pegamento. Después de limpiarlos a fondo, por supuesto. Solo hay que asegurarse de mantener la abertura libre de pegamento seco, metiendo un clavo en ella cuando no se esté utilizando.


50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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Sí, la madera puede ser cara y difícil de encontrar. Sí, conseguir instrucciones y la orientación adecuada puede ser un reto. Y sí, es posible que tu casa tenga poco espacio para un taller.

Pero si sientes que te pican los dedos, espero que estas fotos y los trucos que he mencionado te inspiren para ver la carpintería desde una perspectiva diferente y, quién sabe, quizá superes los obstáculos que te impiden intentarlo.


50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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50 People Who Took Woodworking To Another Level And Shared Their 'Crazy' Results In This Online Group

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