Holly Mead vive en Pennsylvania y tiene muchos patos. No es que los críe en una granja ni nada así, es que a ella y su familia les encantan los patos como mascotas. Todos son adorables y encantadores, pero uno de ellos es particularmente llamativo. Es una pata que se llama Gertrude, y tiene un peinado que es la envidia de muchos. En realidad es una cresta de plumas, pero se presta a comparaciones, y ya le han sacado parecidos con George Washington, la reina Isabel II, Albert Einstein y muchas personalidades de cabello blanco.

"Gertrude es un pato pekín crestado de 3 años y medio. Cuando salió del huevo, tenía un bulto inusualmente grande donde está su cresta, que creció hasta convertirse en su fabuloso 'cabello'. Gertrude ha salido en revistas, en la portada de un tabloide de Reino Unido y en algunos anuncios. Todo comenzó con una foto suya que se volvió viral. A causa de sus contratos, vive en casa y lleva pañales. También sirve como animal de apoyo emocional y a menudo visita asilos y a personas que no pueden salir," cuenta Holly sobre su querida pata.

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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Here Are 30 Pics Of Gertrude, The Duck That Is Famous For Her "Hair"

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