¿Alguien vio la final de la Eurocopa? Bueno, incluso si no lo hiciste, alerta de spoiler, a estas alturas todo Internet sabe que Italia ganó la Eurocopa 2020 contra Inglaterra, que estaba muy segura de que iba a ganar.

Tan seguros, de hecho, que había un eslogan, "It's Coming Home", que significaba que la copa del vencedor del fútbol iría a Inglaterra por primera vez en mucho tiempo: el único trofeo importante que ganó Inglaterra fue en 1966, cuando ganó la Copa del Mundo.

Pero, desgraciadamente, Italia resultó ser mejor, y el eslogan se convirtió rápidamente en "It's Coming To Rome", que significa "Vuelve a Roma". En cualquier caso, Internet se ha vuelto loco con todo este espectáculo, haciendo memes a diestro y siniestro.

Bored Panda ha buscado en Internet las mejores reacciones de la gente a la final de la Eurocopa 2020 y ha creado una divertida lista que puedes encontrar a continuación. Así que, ¿por qué no la revisas y votas y comentas las que más te han gustado?



England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

u/royhly Reportar

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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

u/CODES-from-the-SKY Reportar

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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

u/BaranBilal1 Reportar

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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

u/_-UV-_ Reportar

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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

gelisen_ender Reportar

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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

u/glizzyMaster108 Reportar

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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

u/surfingbirding Reportar

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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

AmirulSyaffiq Reportar

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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing


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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

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England Loses Euro 2020 To Italy And Here Are 29 Of The Internet’s Best Reactions And Memes To The Whole Thing

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